Mix and Match Soma Ware "Hearts and Horses" motif.

Mix and Match Soma Ware “Hearts and Horses”

I recently decided to switch to a “mix and match” style for the Soma Ware and Depression Glass listings. I took inspiration from sites like Replacements LTD, who offer individual replacement pieces for discontinued patterns.

Now, with this new method, you can pick one or more matching items. You don’t have to buy the entire set of plates, mugs, or tea cups just to get the 1 piece you want. And so far it’s a hit!

Today, I sent out the first “Mix and Match” set since I made this change. This adorable Somayaki “Hearts and Horses” tea set is on its way to Missouri. I hope they will love it as much as I have! I had to use 2 boxes because of all the padding. I wrapped all the pieces in bubble wrap and then also lined the boxes with air bags.

Mix and Match Soma Ware "Hearts and Horses"
Mix and Match Soma Ware “Hearts and Horses”

I have moved a dozen times with my Obori Soma Ware tea collection. While getting ready to move yet again, I have been questioning why I have so many tea sets at all. For years, tea sets were an absolute OBSESSION of mine.

That’s why I decided to let someone else love my Otigiri Somayaki “Hearts and Horses” tea collection. I’m so glad to know that when I move I will have a few less bulky items to pack and move this time around.

I do have a lot of pieces left though, so if you are looking to add to your Somayaki Ware collection, then check mine out! Mix and match. I even have a replacement sugar lid available!

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